DRAFT (07/08)


This chapter provides a brief discussion of the funding sources that can potentially be used to assist in implementing the recommendations contained in the 2008 MRBC Master Plan update.  It is important to note that the implementation of these recommendations would be undertaken over several years as interest and urgency is generated and funding is obtained.  For each recommendation developed as a part of this MRBC Master Plan Update, several potential funding partners are identified below.  As many of these programs are experiencing a reduction in available funds, selection and awarding of these funds has become increasingly competitive in nature.  Therefore, when applying for funds it is important to show a diverse group of partners and funding sources with the ability to utilize one funding source to either leverage additional funds or to complement those funds for the same project. 

It is also greatly beneficial to show as part of grant applications several enhancements with one action or objective.  For example, the completion of floodplain and/or watershed studies will result in several benefits related to overall water quantity and water quality not only for the Maumee River but also for the overall quality of the basin and eventually Lake Erie.  Floodplain studies allow a better understanding of those areas with the greatest risk of flooding, provide greater knowledge of those risks to landowners, and provide more accurate information which can be utilized to prevent future losses within those areas.  These studies can also be beneficial in Watershed Management Plans as sensitive areas will be highlighted and prioritized for actions such as land use conversion to prevent degradation of receiving streams and waterways.  Both of these studies will also show benefit from having important information such as the areas lacking adequately buffered riparian corridors.  These areas not only serve as a potential flood storage area, but also as a filter for pollutants contained in overland runoff.

Recommendations for projects discussed throughout the previous chapters of this Master Plan update, as well as potential federal, state, and local funding sources are listed below.  These potential funding sources are simply examples of the range of sources and partnerships dealing with individual projects.  These listings are not exhaustive as funding availability and priorities may change on a regular basis.


  1. Federal Funding:
  2. State Funding:
  1. Local Funding:


  1. Federal Funding:

  1. State Funding:

  1. Local Funding:


  1. Federal Funding:

  1. State Funding:

  1. Local Funding:


  1. Federal Funding:

  1. State Funding:

  1. Local Funding:


  1. Federal Funding:

  1. State Funding:

  1. Local Funding:


  1. Federal Funding:

  1. State Funding:

  1. Local Funding: