As part of the development of the original 1995 Maumee River Flood Control Master Plan, an array of suggestions and possible solutions were developed. These suggestions and solutions ranged from total evacuation of all floodplain areas to the total protection of these areas by flood control levees and floodwalls. Such measures were identified through a review of previous Basin flood studies, information gathered in public meetings held in early project stages, and review of similar studies in other basins by CBBEL.  These alternatives were evaluated against the study criteria and constraints through a preliminary screening process, resulting in a list of promising solutions.  These short-listed solutions were further evaluated in detail as part of the 1995 Master Plan and as a result,  a set of recommended plan components were derived and adopted as Master Plan components.

As part of the 2008 MRBC Master Plan update, the 1995 MRBC Master Plan components and programs, and accomplishments throughout the implementation phase were reviewed and examined in detail.  As a result of this detailed review and examination, enhancements to these programs are considered and new programs have been added to enable MRBC to more effectively carry on its mandate.  This chapter provides a summary of efforts and considerations undertaken to formulate these enhanced and new programs.

Chapter III-1                Model Floodplain Ordinances

Chapter III-2                Model Stormwater Management Ordinance & Technical Standards

Chapter III-3                Flood Hazard Mapping Program

Chapter III-4                Flood Warning Systems & River Gauge Placement

Chapter III-5                Wetland Preservation & Restoration

Chapter III-6                Stream Obstruction Removal Program

Chapter III-7                Voluntary Mitigation & Flood Protection Program

Chapter III-8                Voluntary Agricultural Land Use Conversion Program

Chapter III-9                Public Education & Participation

Chapter III-10              Stormwater Quality Assessment & Characterization

Chapter III-11              Post-Flood Damage Assessment Protocol




MRBC Master Plan - Summary of MRBC Programs